Carlos Truan

***UPDATE: 03/14/2022*** Thank you all for the awesome support. Currently my books are closed as I am working through replying to a backlog of appointment requests. At the moment, I am completely booked till Dec.2022. I will re-open my books for new appointments and make several announcements. Thank you for standing by.

Hi, welcome to Communion! I started tattooing in Austin, Tx about 22 years ago. I started off doing mainly Traditional style and occasionally some Japanese style tattooing. Over the years my style and approach has shifted to what it is now.

Communion was established in February 2020, right before the Covid pandemic lock-down started. Although it was discouraging not knowing what would happen, I opened the doors May 18th, 2020.

Communion is a private studio (appointment only) where I get to work with great people like Annie, Stephanie, and Matthew plus several guests that come through about once a month. We look forward to meeting you. Thank you - Carlos Truan

